Version 0.16.1 (2010-12-07) - Fixed #3105815: bashrun would sometimes map/unmap the wrong window when used with xdotool. Version 0.16 (2010-06-06) - Fixed #2995340: a typo caused bashrun to run unecessary (but harmless) commands, also causing some actions to be run twice. - Added workarounds for changes in xdotool interface (xdotool>=2.20100524.2888) Version 0.15 (2010-01-29) - Fixed #2941822: now works with bash 4.1 - Fixed #2901457 (#2807287): don't use sh in install scripts - Fixed a bug where bashrun would accidently enter bashdb if it is installed Version 0.14 (2009-10-06) - Fixed #2807288: enable non-root installation - Fixed #2807287: use #!/bin/bash in install scripts - Fixed #2848107: use read -n1 for terminal-hold - Fixed #2872649: metaSendsEscape enabled in default config - Enabled allowWindowOps in default config for xterm - Use xdotool's --clearmodifiers option if available Version 0.13 (2009-06-15) - Bugfix: history wasn't properly cleaned without xdotool - Bugfix: possible history corruption if HISTTIMEFORMAT set - Bugfix: google & dict lookups broken if HISTTIMEFORMAT set - Bugfix: copy-and-paste may have pasted into bashrun window - Bugfix: HISTCONTROL option 'ignorespace' didn't apply - Added actions browse, filter, filter-and-paste - Only list available actions in keyboard help (depending on xdotool) Version 0.12 (2009-05-06) - Fixed bug 2774976: terminate properly if running without xdotool, use awk instead of gawk - Fixed bug 2774875: explicitly use #!/bin/bash - Wait until bashrun window is unmapped before pasting - Reduced number of exports, use prefixes for remaining ones - Added notification for missing dict client - Added --remote option Version 0.11 (2009-03-15) - Keybindings can now be configured (~/.config/bashrun/keys) - F1 shows keybindings for the current editing mode (emacs/vi) - Added actions to run commands as root (using 'su root -c') - Added option --su, use as frontend to 'su root -c' in X - Added completion type switching using a threshold for LINES - Added --wid option, returns window id of running instance - Added config option LOGFILE, command output gets appended - Fixed a bug that made bookmarks fail since version 0.9 - Fixed a bug that made options --hide and --toggle fail - Remember size changes of small/large mode - Don't start bashrun with options --hide or --exit - Toggle debug mode with --debug if bashrun is running - Don't clear terminal after --hide - Detach from terminal after startup Version 0.10 (2009-03-06) - Added experimental support for vi-editing mode - Add 'set -o vi' to your .config/bashrun/rc to enable - F1 shows the keybindings for the current editing mode - See $PREFIX/share/bashrun/bashrc for comments - Fixed a bug that caused multiple instances on slow machines - Removed check for DISPLAY and XAUTHORITY (no longer needed) Version 0.9 (2008-12-18) - Major feature enhancements and bugfixes - M-C-g google search in $BROWSER - M-C-d dictionary lookup using dict(1) or $DICT_CLIENT - F1 shows bashrun --help - F2 shows bashrun manual - F3 shows current handlers - F12 toggles debug mode - C-x? Page help for builtin command in terminal - Added subpattern substitution for HANDLERS, e.g. to setup konqueror style web shortcuts (like gg:, ggl:) - Added file test prefixes for handlers - Added new completion type 'quiet-complete' - Added config option TERMINAL_RULES (programs to always run in a terminal) - Added config option DICT_CLIENT - Added config option GOOGLE_FALLBACK=[yes|no] (google non-executable commandlines automatically) - Use trap on DEBUG for handling commands - Use readline's horizontal-scroll-mode by default - Added debug mode - Added commandline option --debug - Spawned terminals now use (BG|FG)COLOR options - Determine prefix at runtime - Don't run unless DISPLAY and XAUTHORITY are set - Fixed job reporting messing up the terminal - Added config options to manual page Version 0.8 (2008-11-28) - Added --prefix option to install scripts (default=/usr/local) - Added option KEEP_OPEN (default=no) - Added option XTERM_OPTIONS (default='') - Added option POST_MAP_COMMAND (default='') - Added directory handler (option DIRHANDLER) - M-? runs "man command" in terminal - M-C-? runs "info command" in terminal - M-C-x copies output to clipboard and pastes it to the focused window (requires xdotool) Version 0.7 (2008-11-13) - M-Enter runs the command in a terminal - M-h, M-+ runs the command in terminal an keeps the window open after the command has terminated - M-x pipes command output into the X clipboard - Added support for running handler applications based on regexp matching of the line entered. (e.g. you can easily configure bashrun to launch firefox to visit a url entered on the commandline) - Added support for adding bookmarks to the command completion list - Reworked the config file handling. Further upgrades will no longer require the user to recreate the config file. - The locations for user specific files now follow the XDG spec - C-m and C-j now also do accept-line (as in bash) - C-d on an empty line (=exit via EOF) is now disabled (when using xdotool) - C-q now terminates the bash session (xdotool) - added commandline arguments show, hide, toggle, exit and restart (when using xdotool). - added manual page - added an uninstall script - code cleanups Version 0.6 (2008-11-03) - changed config and history file locations - added support for keeping the shell running in the background if xdotool(1) is available - code cleanups Version 0.5 (2008-10-24) - added support for extended bash completion - added +sb (disable scrollbar) for xterm, too Version 0.4 (2008-10-16) - added option to change foreground/background colors - install script cleanup Version 0.3 (2008-10-15) - fixed ocassional loss of history file contents Version 0.2 (2008-10-08) - added terminal resizing (xterm and mrxvt only) - config file changes - code cleanup Version 0.1 (2008-10-05) - initial release.